Quality visualizers for your audio snippets

Build your own visualizer in minutes, no 🧢.

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Fire templates that increase social media engagement

Choose from one of our many visual motion templates that perfectly match the vibe of your song.

Save time with our easy to use platform

Our platform interface is simple. It only takes a couple of minutes to build a visual snippet.

Save money by avoiding costly motion graphics artists

Motion graphic work is expensive. We’ve made this platform affordable for the artist on the rise.


Semifinalist for the Startup Showdown pitch competition hosted by Panoramic Ventures.

Selected by LAUNCH to participate in the Founder.University.

Semifinalist for the Startup Showdown pitch competition hosted by Panoramic Ventures.

Selected by LAUNCH to participate in the Founder.University.


"The hardest part about being an artist is marketing and having content to post. I like that Auddy makes it easy for me to get a nice visual for my songs so easily."

- Omi, Singer

“I try to post new beats I've made on my socials for content, but the visuals wasn't hitting. Auddy basically takes care of that with their quality visualizers."

- JahadBeatz, Producer

"Auddy is just easy to use. I've tried to build my own visualizers on other expensive programs. This is 10x better."

- 504Niles, Rapper

"I obsessive over my visuals as an artist. So, I was happy to find Auddy. I just plug in my song, add some details and I'm done!"

- Tia Mayor, Singer

"I try to spend most of my time coming up with new songs. Auddy helps me quickly spin up solid content to post quickly to get my reactions from my supporters."

- YKB, Singer